What to Wear to The Races For Students: Invades Edition

As you make your way to the coach stop at 10 am whilst resenting pre-drinking those 3 tinnies with a bladder already full, you know race day has begun when you are bombarded by students wearing tweed, skinny scarves, and afghan jackets. With events held throughout the academic year, here is your ultimate guide on what to wear at the next student race day hosted by Invades.

Many of us have seen the Invades TikToks on race days where students are asked, “What is your biggest ick at the races?” or “Tell me about where your outfit is from”. This post is written in the hopes of giving you some style inspiration for the occasion and helping you avoid falling prey to the anticipated Invades interview questions.

If you have never been to Invades race day, you can expect casual and trend-driven outfits compared to the formal attire that is associated with Ascot.

Whether you are attending an event in the summer or in the middle of winter, chances are you will need a jacket as we all know what British weather can be like. Suit jackets, tweed blazers, Schöffels, and wax jackets can be worn throughout most seasons whilst faux leather or fur, trench coats or afghan jackets can look great in the colder months.

You can wear a simple suit, dress, skirt or trousers but it’s through accessorising that will make your outfit stand out. Flat caps, skinny scarves or scarves with a funky pattern can elevate any outfit.

Heels can be very impractical, especially after a few pints, and as they are not necessary at Invades race events, most people will opt for more casual footwear. Cowboy boots, Doc Martins or knee-high boots can look great with dresses or skirts or you can go with loafers, dress shoes or even trainers.

The races can be an expensive day out even before buying endless pints and losing countless bets so if you have plenty of clothes, try to use what you have in your wardrobe or borrow from a friend. If you choose to buy a new piece for the occasion, Vinted and charity shops can be great for finding anything from cheap jackets to vintage bags, or patterned scarves to create a unique look.

As you prepare your outfit for the big day, don’t forget the little details that pull your outfit together from accessories to footwear. Just as importantly, remember to prepare your answer in case you get pulled for an Invades interview!

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